Love at First Sight. Now be honest, your first instinct is to be cynical. "What nonsense... love at first sight. It's not possible!" You want to blame it on attraction, on pheromones, on anything but kismet, fate, serendipity. But then there is that little voice inside, that optimistic, romantic person inside of you who wants to believe in Love at First Sight. It is the stuff of all those books we read and movies we watch. Jennifer E. Smith lets you answer the question, what is The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight?
Hadley hates small places, so the idea of flying to London is like the seventh layer of hell for her. Add to the hours long ride in a metal tube thousands of feet in the air that she is going to her father's wedding and you have a perfectly miserable trip on your hands. In retrospect, there are many things that made Hadley miss her original plane by four minutes, and without them all happening, she would have caught her plane and never met Oliver. Instead, she misses the plane. And she meets Oliver. And her whole world changes.
Oliver makes the plane ride more than tolerable. He and Hadley talk all night. They tell each other things they haven't told anyone else because they have a connection both can feel but neither fully understands. They are drawn to one another and feel like they have known each other forever, but they have only known each other for hours. When the plane lands, Hadley feels an overwhelming sense of loss knowing they must both go their separate ways. But do they have to? What are the chances of anything working out between two people who just met on a plane? But then again, would she be able to forgive herself if she didn't at least try?
Oh it was love at first sight alright. I saw this book and knew I would love it, and by golly, I was right! Hadley and Oliver are just so perfect together. They might not admit it right away, but you know it the minute they speak to each other. Neither lives the perfect life, and both have their own skeletons in the closet, but when they are together, those skeletons don't seem quite as scary as the used to. You will find yourself just as in love with this couple as they are with each other... it is kismet!
This is a great book for any middle school through high school student, although probably more likely to appeal to girls. The story is just ridiculously adorable, as are the two main characters. The subplot of Hadley's parents' divorce and her father's remarriage is handled really well. It shows the resentment Hadley feels along with the supreme sadness of no longer knowing her father. It also shows how Hadley has become the support for her mother and how that changes their relationship. This is a great story on so many levels, but the love at first sight is what will make you smile. The beauty of this book is that it catches you with the title and keeps you with the sweetest, most adorable story.
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